Friday, December 12, 2014

Webster's Falls

My final post today is a layout I am sharing from a sketch from Scrapmuch - Sketchy Friday Dec 12.  It's about a great day at Webster's Falls where we took our Belgium relatives.  You can find all the info here.

Here is my layout:

Here is their sketch:


  1. So pretty Mary, I am enjoying the pops of green so much! Thanks for joining us at ScrapMuch?!

  2. Beautiful page Mary! Your pictures really pop!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Fabulous layout Mary....great photos! Looks like everyone had a great time at a great location! Thanks for playing along with ScrapMuch?!

  4. Beautiful page! I love the earthy colour palette you picked to go with your pictures. Thank you for sharing with us at ScrapMuch?

  5. Gorgeous layout! Love the colour combination! Liking your title design very much, Great take on the sketch! Thank you for playing along over at the ScrapMuch?!

  6. Beautiful. I LOVE waterfalls. Thanks for joining us at ScrapMuch?!

  7. I LOVE Websters Fall too! - beautiful photos, great take on the sketch
    Thank you for playing along at ScrapMuch?
